Common Worship

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At All Times And In All Places

As well as regular Sunday and weekday celebrations and the observance of saints' days, many churches and cathedrals also hold Eucharists for special occasions or intentions. This unique volume provides prayers and readings for 30 themed Eucharists, each with collects, scripture readings and post communion prayers.
£25.00 £15.00

Book Of The Gospels


Celebrating The Word

Following the pattern for Services of the Word laid down in Common Worship and the Church of Ireland Prayer Book, this resource puts flesh on the bare bones and offers a complete set of services for use throughout the Church's year.


This version of the "Common Worship" collects is written in traditional language and has been prepared with members of The Prayer Book Society. The book matches with the "Common Worship" calendar and lectionary and enables churches to use material for both traditional and modern services.

Common Worship

A service card including the text of the Order One Holy Communion service that is suitable for use at home or in hospital. It contains congregational responses only rather than the full text of the service. Produced in a durable, tall, broad format double-folded card with six panels.

Common Worship Baptism and Confirmation Services

This volume offers a complete collection of the authorised Common Worship baptism and confirmation services, including the Additional Baptism Texts in Accessible Language developed by the Liturgical Commission.

Common Worship Collects And Post Communions In Contemporary Language

This paperback volume contains all the contemporary language Collects and the prayers to be said after Communion, for every Sunday and every major and lesser festival in the year. It provides both the original collects from the Common Worship Main Volume and the Additional Collects.

Common Worship Communion by Extension

This is the authorized version for communion by extension using the Common Worship liturgy for the Church of England. Following permission from the Bishop, worshippers may receive communion 'by extension' from a church where Holy Communion has been celebrated earlier.