About Us

St Olav’s Church is the oldest building in Chichester still in use, and as such predates the city’s Cathedral. Built in around 1050, with an extension added in the 13th century, the building is still a consecrated church and holds an annual Eucharist service on St Olav’s Day (29thJuly).

The church was converted into a Christian Bookshop in the 1950’s, spent many years as an SPCK shop before it finally ended up in its present form. The shop is owned by the St Olav Trust, a registered charity made up of representatives from local churches.  These include the Cathedral, the Baptist Church, Independent Free churches, Roman Cathollic and various different Church of England congregations. The ethos of the shop is that we should be open and available to all. Our stock reflects this mix as we serve the breadth of the Christian community.

We are proud of the fact that in June 2014 we were named the Winner of the Independent Small Retailer of the Year by Christian Resources Together.

St Olav’s staff and trustees enjoy links we have with churches, community groups and charities in Chichester and the surrounding areas. Being situated on one of the main shopping streets we are an ideal place for people to meet, greet and advertise. However, we appreciate that not everyone can get to us, and so we hope people will not only use this website to find out about us, to view our stock, to (hopefully) place orders, but will also see it as a resource they can use to advertise their events and to keep in touch. Please take a look at our events page for details of local events.