Living Water: Daily Readings with St Teresa of Avila

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ISBN: 9780232525540
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Pub Date15/03/2004
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Teresa of Avila presents herself to us as a woman caught between her passion for the things of this world and an equal passion for God. After twenty years she surrendered totally to God and her life's journey is seen to be a journey into intimate union with God. The road that she traveled was that of prayer. Living Water is deigned to introduce the reader to Teresa's teaching on prayer - a teaching which is completely personal and Christ-centred. Teresa understands prayer as a living relationship with God, and she suggests practical solutions to the problems that may arise from our own weaknesses or our lack of conviction and generosity. The sixty daily readings have been selected mainly from her Autobiography and The Way of Perfection. The editor, Sister Mary, provides a helpful introduction on Teresa's life and teaching and the distinguished Carmelite writer Ruth Burrows has contributed a foreword. This book is part of the acclaimed Enfloded in Love series of books which presents selections from the spiritual classics in a form suitable for daily reading and meditation.

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