What is happening with the Church of England? God's Church for God's World explores the tumultuous recent history of Anglicanism, and sheds light on good news stories from across the country.
A short guide for busy church leaders on what makes local churches grow. A launch pad for prayer, discussion and planning, with ideas, questions and research-based strategies.
This handbook aims to help any Christian committed to their role as a follower and fellow-worker with Christ to be more effective in their ministry. It offers practical suggestions for faithful practice in numerous areas, ranging from Apologetics to Worship and beyond.
The Hero Maker shows how to disciple leaders in a way that leads to leadership multiplication. It shows how to set up or improve intentional leadership development in a church of any size, how to find potential leaders, and how to disciple a church's existing leaders, both volunteer and staff, so catch a vision for their own replication.
Hit the Ground Kneeling takes common statements about leadership - statements that we often take for granted - and questions them in the light of Christian faith and Christian perspectives on leadership.
Cathedrals are one area of the church's life where increasingly the unchurched and half-believer encounter God, and where the institutions of our society instinctively engage with the Christian gospel. Holy Ground digs deep into the life of England's cathedrals, and discusses such diverse topics as finance, growth, heritage, liturgy, and art.
In Hospitality, Service, Proclamation, Tom Wilson seeks to demystify the interfaith project. Written for ordinands and those preparing to minister in neighbourhoods where interfaith and intercultural dialogue are essential, Wilson argues that rather than a threat to churches, interfaith dialogue is an important tool for discipleship.