The extraordinary true story of John Smyth QC, a high-flying barrister who used his role in the church to abuse more than a hundred men and boys in three countries. It tells how he was spirited out of the UK, and how he played the role of moral crusader to evade justice over four decades.
How can working parents live wisely with God at the centre, learn to be still and know him, while juggling demands of family and career at today's hectic pace? Katharine Hill draws on a wealth of experience from advising government, working with families and bringing up her own, to help you flourish in your calling and walk closely with the Lord.
As the Israelites received manna as they made their way through the wilderness, so too is God made known to us in the simple things that sustain our lives. With humour and an eye for human stubbornness, Barbara Brown Taylor reflects on moments of divine providence and encounter in the Bible, from the stories of Moses and Daniel to the Book of Acts.
A brand new course that offers a library of exciting, multi-media resource material - both printed and online - to bring the faith of the Church alive.